Sunday, 27 June 2010

first reason to be interested in kinect

Child of Eden looks like an interesting game. It's made by the same dude who made REZ for dreamcast back in 2001. REZ was inspired by synaesthesia and combined on-rails shooting with a thumping techno soundtrack and psychedelic visuals. It was brilliant and still is today. Child Of Eden looks even more impressive...check out the amazing boss at the end of the all of it is controlled through hand movements. FUTURISTIC!!

Monday, 21 June 2010

Disco Day!

It was pride weekend in Berlin this weekend and I didn't do one faggy thing so in honour of my pink brethren I'm having a disco day. The first track of the day is Ronnie James - Video Games. Happy Disco Day!

Number 2: Empress - Dyin to be dancing

Number 3: Monica Thornton - Give it up...these tracks are from a mix on Check it out!

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Mix By Aera

Aera - Podcast by Aera (Aleph)
Mix by that Aera dude featuring those edits I posted earlier. The reason I post this though is the track around 4.50. Its Aphex Twin - Tha versus Langenberg - Times(Manuel Tur's Ground Glass Reflex) makes me want to weep with tears of sexy joy.

Friday, 11 June 2010


DMS - Exterminate. 1991. Was trying to find this for ages. I'd heard it in a few Luke Vibert mixes a while ago and then heard it again recently when out. Choon.


Edward + Armani - Acid Drill. 1988

Monday, 7 June 2010

Jerome Sydenham

I'd never heard of him either but my mate Robin and I were talkin to him yesterday after he played a 6 hour set in Bar 25. A bit of a nutjob. On his 3rd wife. Believes the red-headed Irish girlfriend was the one that got away. Runs this label with his wife. Good sort of deep soulful house. "I'm off to find some drugs" was his departing sentence.

Carries Fisher takes the piss out of George Lucas